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Assemblies of God, Ghana Jehovah Shammah Temple

Scripture 1 Thess 5:24 " Faithful is He who has called you, He will do it."

Welcome to Assemblies of God, Ghana Jehovah Shammah Temple

Location : Ashongman Estates.
Address : P. O. Box 114, STC, Accra.
P. O. WY 232, Kwabenya.
CONTACT: +233 302 431 053
+233 244 360 758

Prophet Maxwell Asumda, Senior Pastor, Jehovah Shammah Assemblies of God.

About Prophet Maxwell Asumda

Prophet Maxwell Asumda is a preacher, a prophetic teacher, a trainer, a counselor and a healing and deliverance minister. His ministry is characterized by the active move of the Holy Spirit that has seen many healed of all kinds of sicknesses and delivered from afflictions of the forces of darkness. The power and revelation gifts are made manifest through his Preaching, Healing, Deliverance and the Prophetic to the Glory of God. As a father figure with a calm but disciplined nature, his burning desire to see talent development in ministry has made him instrumental in the training over 20 other ministers of the Gospel who have also planted churches and are doing well. Prophet Maxwell Asumda was born to the late Mr Asumda Ayeebo and late Madam Comfort Asumda, on the 13th of December, 1958, at Kusanaba in the Upper East Region. He is married to Pastor Mrs Victoria Asumda, his confidant and partner in ministry and they are blessed with 2 children. He has an M.Sc in Practical Theology from Mattersey College (Chester University) in the UK (2013), a BTH from the West African Advanced School of Theology, WAST (2009) and a Diploma in Biblical Studies from the Southern Ghana Bible School, Saltpond (1992). Prophet Asumda received his calling to Ministry work in 1984. That year (1984), he joined the North Kaneshie Assemblies of God Church as a lay worker and was there from 1984-1989. Due to his commitment, tenacity and enthusiasm towards the things of God when he joined the North Kaneshie A/G in 1984, he was not allowed to sit idle. That same year, the North Kaneshie AG sent him to Bunsu in the Eastern Region as a missionary where he served from 1984-85. Later in 1989, he enrolled at the Southern Ghana Bible School and completed in 1992. Upon completion in 1992, he took up an appointment at the Ebenezer Assemblies of God at Kotobabi as an Associate Pastor. In 1995, he left Ebenezer AG when he together with his wife Victoria were led by God to commence Assemblies of God, Jehovah Shammah Temple located at the Ashongman Estates, Accra, where he has since been Senior Pastor after serving as an associate to Rev. Stephen Kuphe. The Jehovah Shammah AG Church started largely as a Pastoral and Deliverance Ministry. However, over the years, the Lord has added unto the Ministry, the Prophetic. The Church is strongly based in the Word, Deliverance, Healing and the Prophetic Ministries. Shammah AG is currently blessed with an adult membership of over 2000 which dipped to 1800 with the upsurge of Covid-19. The Church also runs a basic School from primary to Junior High School and has recorded excellent performance in the Basic Certificate Examinations over the years. Since 2017, Prophet Maxwell Asumda has been operating the Light and Life Retreat Centre. Since its inception, it has become known as a centre of healing and solution for the several people the Lord has led to wait upon Him. Prophet Asumda is passionate about soul winning and discipleship purposely to help mankind and to glorify God. This is evident in the aggressive soul winning campaign of church members and Shammah’s mission projects in the Upper East Region, Greater Accra Region, Eastern Region, Volta Region among others.

Senior Pastor: Prophet Maxwell Asumda

Prophet and Mrs. Asumda



After his successful completion of Bible College Rev Maxwell Asumda now Prophet Maxwell Asumda was privileged to serve as an associate pastor to Reverend Stephen Mensah Kuphe at Ebenezer Assemblies of God Church in Accra Newtown. While serving at Ebenezer Assemblies of God, he met and got married to Miss Victoria Azamede now Pastor Mrs Victoria Asumda, his confidant and partner in ministry. Maxwell Asumda’s unique, diligent and tactful pastoring duties gave the Head Pastor, Rev. Stephen Mensah Kuphe confidence to grant Prophet Asumda the opportunity to pastor the church while he attended to other ministerial duties that led him to travel for several months. After close to three years of service at Ebenezer AG, he took a decision to resign to pursue the revelation to begin his own ministry after developing a desire to impact more lives. This revelation was backed by his wife’s fervent prayer support, divine revelation and inner conviction that it was time to start their own ministry. Prophet Asumda and his wife has to face the realities of resigning from a life of comfort to heed to the voice of God where there were inevitable economic tussles that their young family was going to be challenged with. This decision was nothing but an act of faith. As Prophet Asumda waited on God for the next line of instruction, he agreed to step in for Reverend Jerry Adjorlolo who was invited to Minister at the Atomic Hills Estate United Church when an Assemblies of God minister had to take the turn to minister at the church. The Atomic Hills Estate United Church which was a cross-denominational body had various ministers from key Christian denominations in Ghana taking turns weekly to preach as the Church had no stationed pastor. It was while Prophet Asumda was on his way to minister in that estate that he heard the audible voice of God instructing him to go back and not minister. He therefore went back home in obedience to God’s instructions. Weeks later, whiles Prophet Asumda and wife were waiting on the Lord at Korle Gorno the residence of Rev Milton Offei, the Lord revealed to them that he was planting them at that same Atomic Hills Estate to start a ministry and revealed that the name of the church shall be Jehovah Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35), signifying God’s absolute involvement and strong presence in the ministry. The Atomic Hills Estate was initially under the Madina District. The district was contacted to fulfil all the necessary arrangements for a new Assemblies of God church to commence. Rev. Dr Ato Bentil then introduced Prophet Asumda and his wife to Madam Christa Osei and Husband, who turned out to be a cousin to Pastor Mrs Victoria Asumda who were residents in the estate for assistance as they prepared the church in the Estate.

The Foundation of the Church

On Sunday 9th April 1995, the church had its first meeting with seven (7) people from two (2) families – the Asumda and Osei families. The meeting was hosted by the Osei family. At this first meeting, the church was formerly named and endorsed as Jehovah Shammah Temple, AG. News about Jehovah Shammah quickly spread throughout the estate and by the second Sunday meeting, the numbers rose to a little over 20. This was when Mr J.E Yeboah and family, Bro Paul Abban now Rev Paul Abban, Mr Emmanuel Dzededzi and family, Samson Otchere, Ernestina Sarkodie Otchere now Mrs Ernestina Tsibu also came on board. They were all AG devotees who either used to go to North Kaneshie AG for worship service on Sundays or joined another denomination within the estate. This group of persons, has formed a prayer group and met regularly to pray. The development of a new AG church in the Estate brought them lots of joy. Mr. & Mrs. J.E Yeboah then suggested that the service grounds be relocated to the balcony of their house which could accommodate more people. The fifth meeting of the Church was on Sunday 1st May 1995 and was held at Mr & Mrs J.E Yeboah’s balcony which eventually became Jehovah Shammah’s New home, for a year and a half . Mrs Rita Osei and husband provided benches for the meetings. Other early members who also joined the initial group were John Bristot, now Rev John Bristot, Emmanuel Whyte now Rev Emmanuel Whyte, the families of Mrs Olivia Akrong, Nana Kwesi Adutsum, Mr Ebenezer Segbefia, Mr G. Amissah, Madam Sarah Lartey amongst others and the numbers continued to grow.

The Jehovah Shammah Temple Church Building

In December 1996, the church took a bold step to relocate to the present location. Acquiring the land for the church and school project and raising the funds to support the cost implications of this breakthrough venture at the time were as a result of the divine workings of the Almighty God. God used the late Mr Victor Selomey, then Deputy Minister of Finance, in an unconventional way to make the relocation a possibility. The Former Deputy Minister’s house was only a stone throw away from Mr. and Mrs J. E. Yeboah’s house and in the quest to get the church relocated as a result of the church activities he persuaded Raabshold - managers of the estate - to allow the church to move to the plot the ministry expressed interest in without any prior financial commitment. Being an executive board member of Raabshold himself, Mr Selomey ordered for a flexible payment plan for the church. It was a prodigious relief securing the piece of land this way with a ‘widow’s mite’ of five (5) hundred dollars which the church could afford as an initial deposit. The amount paid was a donation from Mrs Crista Osei and husband which was intended for the purchase of additional chairs for the church. The next payment was One million Cedis from the first ever fundraising. Half of this amount was raised by the Church leadership committee (the first Leaders) – Rev Maxwell Asumda (Pastor), Mr Emmanuel Dzededzi (Secretary), Mr J.E Yeboah (Treasurer), and Mrs Olivia Akrong (Member) with each person paying one hundred and twenty-five thousand cedis. Other members pledged and contributed the remaining five hundred thousand cedis. The balance was paid in instalments. With the fluctuation of the cedi to dollar rates paying in dollars became a challenge. The church was in a state of financial despair. However, God brought a Singaporean Pastor, Ps Daniel Ong who was on missions in Ghana residing at Ofankor at the time to come to our rescue after 3 years of the payment plan by Raabshold. Another significant move of God worth mentioning was the sudden rise in numbers of church members. At the time of relocating from Mr & Mrs J. E Yeboah’s house the numbers were between 100 and 120. To the Glory of the Lord, a few weeks after the maiden service at the current location the Lord multiplied the numbers miraculously to about 280 to 300 members. Containing the numbers was not a challenge as Rev. George Annan upon request by Prophet Asumda released his church’s no-longer-in-use canopies of about 20 rooms to Jehovah Shammah. A year on, the Church leadership committee (the second leadership committee) – Rev Maxwell Asumda (Pastor), Mr Emmanuel Dzededzi (Secretary), Mr J.E Yeboah (Treasurer), Mrs Olivia Akrong (Member), Mr Amissah (Member) and Mr Ebenezer Segbefia (Member) inspired by the building committee chairman Nana Boadi, commenced a temporal structure envisioned to accommodate between 600 to 700 people. Initially, the persuasion of the church leadership committee by Nana Boadi to commence this structure fell on deaf ears. This was because the church was in a way comfortable under the canopies. With a powerful prayer team fervently petitioning God to prevent the rains on Sundays, the Lord provided a good weather to allow for Sunday service for a year and more. One fateful Sunday however, God decided to shake the church out of the comfort zone and without any prior signs of rainfall, an ongoing Sunday service was interrupted by a heavy downpour scattering the canopies and getting the entire congregation drenched. That single event got action to be taken to commence the church building. Nana Boadi provided all the wood required for the project as the church raised funds for the block and metal works including the roofing. The structure was eventually completed in early 1998. The temporal structure served as the church building for about 17 years.

Challenges of Jehovah Shammah Temple, AG

The inception of many ministries in this part of the world is often fraught with hardship. The early days of the Jehovah Shammah Temple, was no exception. The then Madina District had made it clear that they had no immediate plans for a new church in the estate at the time, hence no financial support or assistance of any form came from the district to the church. The church went through a difficult season even though the members did their best to support the vision to keep operations running. The financially struggling and unstable nature of the ministry subsequently had a detrimental effect on the Prophet and his family. Regardless of the strain on the Ministry and church, in early 1998, the Prophet had an opportunity take up an already established and well-doing ministry in Canada but chose to remain with Jehovah Shammah. As tempting as the offer was, Pastor Mrs Victoria Asumda largely did not welcome the idea when after much prayer she developed a deeper conviction to encourage her husband that the best option was to stay in divine alignment with God’s original purpose for them concerning the Jehovah Shammah Temple Ministry and trust in His promises instead of escaping hardship.

Vision and Mission

Being a typical Assemblies of God setup, our primary believes are in line with the overall Assemblies of God Church vision and core doctrines. Our auxiliary vision, however, is to build a strong and vibrant church that will influence the entire city, country and the world at large. To achieve this, we tasked ourselves with the mandate to save the lost as well as help believers discover and develop their potentials to the level where they can fulfil God’s purpose for their lives. Our core values include prayer, word driven messages, love, evangelism, orderliness and holiness. Realising that we couldn’t accomplish a true mission’s project without having men to man the souls, we decided to start training young people who demonstrated God’s calling with such commitment and tenacity for ministry, full of zeal for God’s kingdom to become pastors. We have trained, mentored and supported a total of 19 pastors who have been ordained into the Assemblies of God clergy. They are Rev. George Addae (current immediate associate Pastor), Rev. Patrick Hammond (an associate Pastor), Rev. Edmund Osei Yeboah, Ps Emmanuel Anderson, Ps Joseph Obeng Yeboah, Ps Ebenezer Ahumah, Ps Bright Aforla who are Tent Ministers, Rev. Paul Abban, Rev. Peter Ashong, Rev. John Bristot, Late Rev. Inusah, Rev Eleazer Anyormi, Rev Thomas Delali Ahiaku, Rev. Collins, Rev. Joyce Frimpong, Rev. Ibrahim Bello, Rev. Joel Kpodo, Rev. Emmanuel Whyte, Rev. Frank Lawson and Rev. Philip Ahiaku some of whom are well established in their own ministries. We have also mentored a few other clergy outside Assemblies of God. In 2005, the church also instituted an annual award scheme through the late Gordon Adjei, designed to recognise, appreciate and to encourage dedicated benevolent service in God’s vineyard. In a bid to spread the gospel in the city of Accra as stated clearly in the Church’s vision and mission, the church introduced a radio program inspired by late Gordon Adjei on Sunny Fm. This monumental program known as ‘God’s Hope Broadcast' commenced in early 2007 and was aired at dawn on Wednesdays between 5:00 to 5:30am. Late Gordon Adjei made a commitment of a 6 months advance payment. Listeners who followed up after the program came to the church directly or called the help lines that were advertised for counselling and assistance of diverse sorts. In trying to execute our mission of saving the lost and helping believers discover and develop their potentials to the level where they can fulfil God’s purpose for their lives, the church decided to establish a mission school. The school, Jehovah Shammah Assemblies of God School, established on 6th February 2006 focuses on instilling in children within the city a Godly character wrapped around academic excellence for positive societal transformation. Under the same scope of the mission, the church has embarked on several missions projects in the Volta, Eastern, Northern, Upper East and Greater Accra. Jehovah Shammah AG has also liaised with veteran Evangelists K. B. Tambo and W. J. Apam in their respective mission outreach programs across the country making donations in cash, clothing and other logistical supplies. The church in 2010 ventured into a transport business. The church procured a Toyota mini-van, a Mercedes Benz Sprinter bus and a tipper truck. However, some major obstacles included compromised loyalty resulted in the collapse of the growth of the business.

Core Values

Jehovah Shammah Temple is built strictly on the tenets and doctrines of Assemblies of God. We preach and practice salvation through Christ Jesus by faith, belief in the trinity- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, partakes in the holy communion, practices water & Holy Spirit baptism, righteousness & holiness. Other core values include the acceptance that Christ is the son of God, He died for our sake and arose on day three and ascended into heaven, and He will return to earth as judge. We also believe in and practice divine healing & deliverance through the blood and authority of Christ Jesus, and very recently the prophetic ministry.

Church Population

Our current population stands at 1500 souls as a result of a relapse from the Covid-19 pandemic. Jehovah Shammah Temple Assemblies of God, has all the structures of a typical Assemblies of God setup. We have the Men’s Ministry and its auxiliaries, Women’s Ministry with its auxiliaries, and the Youth Ministry. We have the department of the Sunday School, Music, Missions, and Ushering. There are however a few others like the Performing Arts, Accounts, Media among others, initiated to meet the varying needs of the church.

Healing, Deliverance & The Prophetic

The church was founded principally on meeting the needs of Practical Theology with an emphasis on the ministry of the Holy Spirit for empowerment for healing and deliverance, and praying for people’s needs. This direction for the Ministry was laid on the heart of the leader after much prayer and confirmed by observation. The healing and deliverance ministry which started in the early days of the church in 1996 was driven towards attracting a non- denominational congregation. Non-believers and Christians of diverse denominations within the estate and beyond had equal opportunity to come for solutions during the healing, deliverance and prophetic services. Soon, Jehovah Shammah Temple became known and referenced by other churches within the estate as ‘’Witches Last Stop”, a place where witches were arrested because of how spirits manifested and confessed during healing and deliverance services. People started trooping in for prayers and solutions and the numbers continue to grow as most of such persons became regular church members In 2015, whiles waiting on the Lord, the Prophet said the Lord began to deal with him and referred him to Ephesians 4:11,12 which talks about the five–fold ministries, thus the apostolic, evangelistic, prophetic, teaching and the pastoral. The Lord impressed upon him that Assemblies of God as a church excelled in all the others except the prophetic ministry because of the abuse of that Ministry. The Prophet then asked God “what would you have me do? I don’t see our leaders endorsing this ministry.” Then the Lord explained that just like the prophetic, the other four are abused also, there are also false teachers, evangelists, apostles and pastors but Assemblies of God has been credible. As Assemblies of God has been proven to be decent and credible with the other four it could do same with the prophetic and avoid the excesses. Following this encounter with the Lord, he was lead to several conferences in South Africa and the US. The prophetic unction descended on him strongly and he began to operate in the prophetic office at church meetings. The Congregation then began to call him ‘’Prophet’’ though Assemblies of God did not officially ordain him as such. Operating in the Prophetic Grace made it easy for him to now see the root cause of people’s problems through word of knowledge and the word of wisdom. He began to receive specific divine direction on how to combat them and this brought much solution to the ministry. This new wave began to blow strongly, attracting souls from across the globe trooping in physically and also by electronic means who were searching for solution to their difficulties. The total population which was around 700 in 2015 before the prophetic drive, shot up to 2000 souls in 2020. The prophetic wave proved to be a distinguished evangelistic tool for the ministry with the numbers multiplying within a very short space of time. This meant that the Church had to forcefully break the then existing structure for expansion into the current building even when the church was not ready. Jehovah Shammah can boast of being the fastest growing Assemblies of God Church in the country and beyond. The potential to be dynamic and extraordinary has been evident from the early days of the Ministry as within three years of establishment, the church managed to build the structure it put up before the latest expansion. That for any ministry, is a colossal achievement.

Future Projections

Our success story is credited to God’s faithfulness and fervent prayer. The faithfulness of God has been evident from the genesis of this ministry till this day. God has always showed up in clearly extraordinary ways in times of trials. Being a praying church Jehovah Shammah Temple has constantly, tactfully deployed the weapon of prayer and fasting to combat the enemy in rescue missions involving the church and its members and external people who required assistance. The numerous testimonies is a living proof. This mandate is one which we desire to intensify in the coming years. Regardless of the fact that for 24 hours all 7 days of the week, there are prayers on-going around the church and elsewhere for the ministry and its stakeholders, the desire is that, it will progress to a higher level in the coming years. The church is praying that the wind of revival currently blowing in Shammah will resonate and cascade even greatly across the nations for a striking global impact. We seek to train more pastors in the coming years, thus, about 100 pastors within the next 25 years, and support them to commence their own churches, intensify our missions outreach to cover a lot more deprived rural zones, and above all erect a multipurpose temple of 5000 seater capacity church auditorium to the Glory of God.